MovieChat Forums > Video Games > PS4 Recommendations

PS4 Recommendations

I'm what you might call a part time gamer. I go through long spells wherein I barely touch a game. It seems I'm starting to get the urge to game again, but I need some recommendations. I went on Best Buy's website to look what's out there and I didn't see anything that caught my eye. Except GTA5 which, yes, I still have yet to play. So I figured I'd put it up to the board here and see what I get.

Some games I've enjoyed in the past for reference include: Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, GTAIV, Elder Scrolls, Metal Gear


Some for your consideration:

- The Last of Us (engaging and fun)
- Skyrim (time consuming but involving)
- Metal Gear Solid V (very fun but flawed)
- Fallout 4 (time consuming but involving)
- Alien Isolation (terrifying, immersive and great)
- Metro 2033 Redux (bleak and depressing but fun)
- The Witcher 3 (playing the others isn't essential)
- The BioShock Collection (bundles of fun and atmosphere)
- Inside (indie but one of the best out right now)

He is not coming back. He has forgotten me.


Skyrim - I have certainly put in my time on that one
Fallout 4 - Same as Skyrim
Last of Us - Played it some when it came out. I was impressed.
Witcher - That one I think I would like, but apparently none of the Best Buy in my area has it :(



Into the fire, she swallowed their hate. -- Dahlia


Tomb Raider (2013) is a nice action/adventure game.

No f@cking sh`t lady does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza!


Rocket League


PS4PRO gets so hot it starts fires



Good to know. But I already own a PS4 and don't plan to upgrade to the PRO.


Metal Gear Solid V
Mad Max
Uncharted 4
Rise of the Tomb Raider

Do you like FPS games?

Wolfenstein The New Order and Doom
