Thoughts on Gravity Rush 2
At the end of the first act. I find it funny how, in contrast to how the first game had too simple of a plot, this one just throws everything and the kitchen sink in at the beginning. Just in the first half hour, you're thrown into a new world where you have to learn about mining, rival families, ancient prophecies, caste systems...bitch, is this anime Dune? But then when you get to the city it settles into a more basic easygoing fight-in-the-resistance plot that reminds me of Jak II.
And speaking of that game...holy crap, an honest to god wonderful 3D platformer getting a retail release! It's like being back on the PS2! This would be as unexpected as having a new main Resident Evil game come out that's creepy survival horror...oh wait!
Also, the Lunar control style with the super lightweight jumps is one of the most fun ways I've traveled anywhere in a game in recent memory. Jupiter style sucks, though, since it's just a needlessly heavy and sluggish control scheme for a platformer.
If you must blink, do it now.