Deus Ex 3 on hiatus Eidos Montrael working on Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider to be exact:
There won't be another big Deus Ex game in the foreseeable future.
Square Enix's shift in focus to its recently-announced multi-game Marvel project, combined with underwhelming sales of last year's Mankind Divided, mean the Deus Ex franchise has been placed on hiatus, Eurogamer understands.
This, despite Mankind Divided leaving the series with a number of hanging story threads. These plot points were intended to be resolved in a third game, which would also complete the trilogy of Deus Ex titles begun by predecessor Human Revolution.
Much of this remaining story was once intended for Mankind Divided, Eurogamer has heard, until the game grew too large in scope and had to be curtailed. (Even with this, Mankind Divided's development took five years). It's unclear if this untold story will now be left unresolved - or tied up in another medium, such as a graphic novel.
The bulk of Deux Ex studio Eidos Montreal is currently at work on the next Tomb Raider, the existence of which leaked online last November when someone left a "Shadows of the Tomb Raider" PowerPoint presentation open on the Montreal subway. There's no word yet on when this might launch.