MovieChat Forums > Video Games > Overwatch QP stats

Overwatch QP stats

Top and Bottom 5 just for kicks

Time Played
Ana 15hrs
Mercy 13hrs
DVA 11hrs
Zarya 11hrs
Reinhardt 11hrs
Torbjorn 3 hrs
Reaper 3hrs
Pharah 3hrs
Genji 3hrs
Sombra 1hr

Deaths Avg
Winston 8
Sombra 7
Reaper 7
Lucio 6
Tracer 6
Zarya 5
Zenyatta 4
Widowmaker 4
Symmetra 4
Torbjorn 3

Win Percentage
Symmetra 70%
Torbjorn 69%
Zarya 67%
Soldier 76 62%
Tracer 62%
Pharah 41%
Reaper 41%
Mercy 40%
Widowmaker 39%
Sombra 32%


My most played:


11 hours on those ones.

Mercy, DVA and Mei are coming up on them.


When I first got the game Symmetra Lucio and Winston were my most played. Been playin tons of Zarya lately.


Only play ranked and arcade these days. Recently got the legendary punk skin (Ultraviolet) for Tracer and started playing with her again. Man, I'd forgotten just how fun she is to play as. I haven't lost a match since I started playing as her again, and I always get gold in kills. Used to think she had one of the weaker ultimate attacks (it only does 400 damage, has a relatively short range, and hurts yourself), but, holy hell, blinking into the enemy team while they're clumped together, dropping the ult, and recalling, can just wreck havoc. Or just sticking it to someone usually ends with them trying to run away from it and move into one of their own team mates and taking them with. Currently my favourite hero to play as.

I am on fire, but an extinguisher is not required


I've mostly been playing mystery lately.

I've been getting more Genjis and Sombra and I've been having fun with them. I had a situation in a match where everything I wanted to do as Genji actually worked, and I didn't mess up and die horribly. It was very satisfying.
