MovieChat Forums > Video Games > Switch Online Price Confirmed (For Japa...

Switch Online Price Confirmed (For Japan)

Itl be 2-3,000 yen per year. Which is the equivalent of about $17-$27s. So basically expect it to be about $25/£20/25euro.

Which, i will say, is a fair price if they manage to actually deliver a decent online service combined with the VC titles that are included being actually good,worthwhile games



They've already said that the system will be one "Free" NES/SNES game per month. Which is borrowed, not given, at the end of the month it is automatically taken away.

While it may be cheaper over the year (iirc the other two are $40/$50 a year), it comes with no permanent games or such, IE you are literally paying for the "privilege" of playing games online (beyond what you pay to have wifi/internet at your home already). I'd also be skeptical of pricing until the US/EU prices are released officially.


Im honestly fine with a rental service like that as long as its priced decently.The equivalent of $2 a month for a rental of a NES/SNES game is perfectly ok in my books, it wouldnt be ok with me if they were charging PS+ or XboxLive prices.


It's still stupid no matter what the price. Out of the huge library of games that was on the NES and SNES, they can't let you keep them for the remainder of the service? Those games shouldn't be "rented" when they're 25+ years old. Nintendo still thinks they take gold colored dumps and their fans get neck deep in the poop and love it.

I don't use ignore, because I don't need a safe space
2017: The Scorpio rises - HAIL XBOX!


I can tolerate $20 per month, though I think that Nintendo is really screwing up by not attaching some sort of Virtual Console Pass for $50-60 per year total.


I hope that's right.
I said £2-3 a month would be about the right mark with the incentives they're offering.


Only question is will Ninty finally offer an online service that's even worth ANY money. Historically this hasn't been their strongest area.


It's still expensive.

Nintendo has always been a disgrace regarding online.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


I agree with this. Nintendo is like that weathered old woman that works at the gas station that still puts pounds of makeup on her face. You can tell she used to be a good looker back in the day but time and likely a combination of pills and alcohol have turned her into the leathery sack of flesh ringing up your coffee.
