MovieChat Forums > Video Games > When IMDb dies, I'm dying too

When IMDb dies, I'm dying too

This is some surreal sht, bruh. Some thoughts:

1) Am I the very last person to find out? Fck me, lol.

2) I'm conflicted about IMDb's reasons. Eh, whatever, it's their prerogative. Can't look at something like the Politics board or [insert any popular board for a fantasy, science fiction, or superhero movie] and deny their logic.

3) Years and years ago on the then-absurdly-popular LOST board, a number of regulars fled to a private forum called The Barracks, motivated primarily (I think) because of shotgun spoilers on IMDb. I always found that off-putting, like my loyalty was to IMDb, not to a handful of cliquish regs who wanted their own private hangout to circle jerk all day and exchange tired memes. I like that anyone can lurk and post here, and that we get some traffic other than just each other (even though you guys mostly just push newcomers away).

4) My wife is alive and well -- it was our son who died in that wreck. I don't know why I chose to portray it in reverse... maybe some morbid coping mechanism at the time. He would have been 5 now.

5) Social media is bad, trolling is bad, it's stupid that IMDb even has private messages (or friends lists, or ignore lists, etc). Just post on the normal goddamn board and don't be such overly dramatic queens.

6) Am I just venting? Not gonna lie, this news hit rather hard. =(

7) What if it's just an early April Fools prank? Haha I bet that's it!

8) Nah it's probably legit.

9) There is a strangely compelling end-of-the-world vibe to all this. It's like half festive, half apocalyptic.

10) You guys are the best.

Can you think of any things that you feel about this?


Please come with us Nana. Don't go down with the ship.


Cum with you where? TBD?


Aye. Two weeks to decide.


11) Found Sol


The facebook group will have you and reddit. I can't join fb at the moment because I am coming off a ban but I am bookmarking.
