MovieChat Forums > Video Games > OT: Liberals/Democrats vs. Republicans

OT: Liberals/Democrats vs. Republicans

So what do you guys think about the Pros and Cons from both sides?

Please be honest and don't try to just make extremist allegations about the other side only because you do believe in different principles.

This thread is meant to be friendly as most Left vs. Right topics.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


Libs are a "domesticated" group of people. Their values are only practical (and that's being generous) within the confines of a very delicate bubble. Without resource abundance, lack of real conflict, modern conveniences, etc, liberalism simply doesn't exist. Conservatism is the basic reality of human nature and will always be the fallback point if/when liberal systems fail.


I'll admit: that's a very interesting point of view.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


Anarchy or libertarian-ism is more in line with the basic reality of human nature, there's nothing "base" about the modern conservative or liberal platform.

From the Elephant's Mouth-
Protection Against an Electromagnetic Pulse
Unequivocal Support for Israel
Taking charge in the Pacific(So much for the Monroe doctrine!)
Combating Drug Abuse
Reforming the FDA
Honoring Our Relationship with American Indians
School Vouchers/Choice

These are all pretty "new" concepts - not all bad sounding ones either mind you - and the left isn't more or less modern and both wouldn't work without resource abundance, lack of real conflict, modern conveniences, etc..

We live in a modern world and both parties reflect this regularly - even constitutional original-ism sounds like something of modern concern.

Then we'll see how he does up there, without all the assistance.


The left whines about Israel an awful lot.

Fantasy Football Champ.


They both do, historically.

There's pro and anti-Israel factions in both parties I'm sure, though very recently the right has been more pro-Israel.

Then we'll see how he does up there, without all the assistance.


Honestly I don't remember ever the Republicans complaining about Israel.

Democrats are always bitching about Israel. And to be fair it's one of the many examples of their own hypocrisy.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


I'm speaking of the voters more than the reps, you have your America First non-interventionalists mostly who don't believe in international aide, nationalists and moving to the extreme fringe, anti-zionists.

9/11 had an impact on some of this, but certainly not all.


That's true as well but generally you can divide all of that between Left and Right.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.
