Why though? This board has been sh!t for the past four years anyway, I barely post anymore and I only pop in every couple of days to see how things are going.
When I first joined the board it was to discuss video games which was pretty much what happened for maybe the first year, after that it became more about discussing everything else and tearing each other to shreds.
Whenever video games were being discussed it was the same old fvcking threads which was mostly just top ten lists. The only time video games are the main topic is during E3 which is for like three days and then it all dies down again. You'll very rarely see more than ten posts in a thread about an upcoming game on this board.
Basically all you're doing with the VG sub-reddit is prolonging the inevitable. A couple of things are gonna happen:
1. You may have like 40+ members now, but that number will slowly go down until there's maybe ten people left. It might take years, but it will happen. I mean off the top of my head Rex Rocker, Rocky and Jon Shiggalow left this board years ago and haven't looked back since. There's probably more, I don't know.
How many new posters have actually come here in their place? I can't think of any. Most of the people who were here six years ago when I first came to the board are still here today and there's been maybe five new posters since then. Maybe. You won't attract any new members because I can guarantee you the people the sub-reddit would normally attract will have their own forums they go to.
The main reason people use this board is because its convenient, not because of the people or stimulating conversation. There's probably less than ten people on this board I can actually talk to, the rest are just fvcking idiots, why would I subject myself to the same kind of sh!t that's been going on here for years with people I don't particularly care for?
2. Like Ace and Snusk said, as soon as politics becomes a topic of conversation it'll probably get shut down because this board is fvcking horrible when that *beep* comes up and because it'll be too much hard work for the mods to monitor and all that hard work will be for nothing.
So what's the point in prolonging the inevitable? Face it, the boards are being shut down, so just let it go.
I don't know what's more worrying. This job or your past.