MovieChat Forums > Video Games > The GOTboard looks almost like IMDb!!!

The GOTboard looks almost like IMDb!!!

These guys have been making an extremely good job.

This site looks fantastic as well and they are thinking about adding individual message boards to movie titles like in IMDb.

Very very good forum for now, it seems so.

And lets not forget that it seems Rottentomatoes are gonna try to make their forums very similar or as big as IMDb as well.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


It does look good, but I'm kind of in burnout mode on these new sites - I'm registered at IMDBv2.0 and its to-be-replacement board imdforums. I have it on bookmark just in case, though.

Censor Censorship!


IMDbv2 has been getting a huge boost of users! It has been quiet insane.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


Have you posted on reddit yet?

Fantasy Football Champ.



I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


That is a faithful-looking board. Too bad it surrounds two shows with the worst fanbases on IMDB. Marvel and DC fans would be the runner-ups.

I don't use ignore, because I don't need a safe space
2017: The Scorpio rises - HAIL XBOX!


It has basically all General Message Boards from IMDb and it's only in the beginning.

I always tell the truth, even when I lie.


>Implying theres an actual Walking Dead Fandom on IMDb, they're all just trolls that hate the show!

My Signature changes everyday!


I don't believe you. What's your username Harry?
