MovieChat Forums > Video Games > Why doesn't this site branch out with Vi...

Why doesn't this site branch out with Video Games?

There is no top 250 for video games and there aren't any good alternatives either around the internet for a user rank of the best video games, mostly because the few sites who has tried have failed to keep themselves interesting over time due to lack of updates and little to do. But this site will not have that problem considering how big it already is, and heck, practically every video game ever made has it's own page here where you can rate it, so why not go all in and branch out by basically making an IGDB twin site?


Well it is called Internet Movie Database, but I do kind of wish it catered to music and video games as much as it caters to movies.

Lars Ulrich, James Hetfield, and Kirk Hammett of Metallica ship Discord and Fluttershy


I wouldn't be against that. I could see it re-energizing the site. Call it IEDb (Internet Entertainment Database) or something. Especially since there's more things keeping people's attention than movies and TV these days.

I don't use ignore, because I don't need a safe space
2017: The Scorpio rises - HAIL XBOX!


Damn, not a bad idea there...

Sheesh man, who knows what you could be capable of if you didn't obsess over Xbox all day like some prepubescent tweener! 

JK, you know I luv boo 👻

  


I don't think Amazon gives two shït about IMDb anymore. They've never had remotely decent moderation for anything, forums, reviews, etc. Hell only recently they upgraded the forums a little giving you options that have been out for well over a decade.


Damn coming from a person with a Snatcher avatar. That's...not something i'd expect. Not belittling you or anything, just made an observation.

Well this site being for movie buffs seems to be long gone. Especially with how the top 250 is being manipulated by having as many divisive Indian movies as possible.


Manipulated? I think that's just a large population throwing off the algorithm.

There's a separate section for Indian movies now by the way, which doesn't exactly seem fair but I assume there wasn't a better option that was easy to figure.

Yeah, I wish there was some where/way to rate games separately, I de-rated all games on here so it wouldn't throw off my other rating numbers.

I'd like if they separated movies from TV a bit more, as well.

Oh well, at least there's an IBDB, for Broadway!

Not that I've ever been.

Then we'll see how he does up there, without all the assistance.


I've noticed a trend thanks to this site every time an Indian movie is finally gone out of the top 250 it can suddenly reappear at 248-250th a few days later meaning it has climbed up again. This makes no sense because it NEVER climbs upwards while still on the rank. look now for example. The exact thing has happened with Chak de India!
This has to be manipulation. I also think a movie should have approval from more than one country, because it's only Indian voters that votes on their movies and they're of course biased. All the Japanese movies on the other hand are voted by mostly westerns.


Before the message boards shut, I want to add to this with some definite proof that they're cheating with the algorithm for Indian movies

That's the last day before the wave of Indian movies appeared. Look at the bottom of the rank, everyone not having a glowing IMDB mark are now gone. Lagaan however has apparently climbed above FIFTEEN movies, only one of them being also Indian, so that's 14 more deserving non Indian movies it has surpassed on the rank when they all have been gone from the list while never climbing above any of them while they all were on the list. You can see that here It was during the entire 2016 before November 4th somewhere between 248th and 250th

This is clear as day evidence, have I convinced you?
