MovieChat Forums > Video Games > An ex reg/lurkers opinion on the boards ...

An ex reg/lurkers opinion on the boards closing

I posted here almost daily from 2011 - 2013 (roughly) and it was great. Funny, knowledgeable folk talking mainly games with a few OT topics here and there.

Over time a select few started to up the OT topics and actively build animosities between themselves and other users, presumeably because they disagreed with certain things they said on the internet. Or they were made to look stupid by a stranger. On the internet.

Consider Harry. That useless Man of Steel cnt and the cartoon bigoted Canadians have spent over 10 years doing the online equivalent of kicking a kid in a wheelchair during recess. Just because his responses were limited did it really warrent the time of apparently grown men to repeatedly goad someone who may be less smart than them, often going at him in a group? Says a lot about those people to me, limp-dicked victims irl springs to mind.

So I hope the close of these boards will separate the wheat from the chaff, so those who wish to discuss games properly and those who thrive from having a fake internet persona just to make themselves vaguely interesting to other morons can find their own individual places to do their thing.

All the best to the genuine video game fans, I hope you find somewhere decent to continue your discussions. To the fcking manchildren, who along with countless others have contributed to the end of the IMDB boards, well done. Ironically this will hurt you more than the good posters.


Got my A machines on the table, got my B machines in the drawer


Bruce Springsteen.

Fantasy Football Champ.



Got my A machines on the table, got my B machines in the drawer


You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!


Hey I remember you! You's an ok chap.


And I you. I'm sure we shared a jape or two.

Got my A machines on the table, got my B machines in the drawer


imho, this board became too one note. Typically, if you're not playing the current Dark Souls type game on a Playstation console, you're not going to get many people to post in your thread. Unless it's political, of course.

If you post about any Xbox One exclusive, racing, sports, MMO, RTS or VR games, you're lucky to get 2-3 posts in the thread.

I checked out the IMDb VG reddit and considered switching over, but then I saw all the threads sucking off Nioh, nothing's changed.

And when one of the regs here responds to me with "Good riddance Jason", thanks for proving the first sentence of my post for me.


Really good post man. But I remember when there was talk of video games in general, y'know? Retro games, all time classics, of course as well as what was current. But then it got like people who had no business commenting in a thread, chiefly because they hadn't played the game in question, would just butt in to go "hurgh that sux" because it was on a rival console or some sh!t.

And fck talking politics, especially on the iNTerwEbz.

Got my A machines on the table, got my B machines in the drawer


"useless cnt"
"limp-docked victims irl"
"morons this, fcking manchildren that"

If posters can't even weigh in on the fate of the board without spewing rhetoric like this, no wonder we were collectively judged too toxic to even deserve to exist.
