MovieChat Forums > Books > ANNOUNCEMENT: The definitive replacement...

ANNOUNCEMENT: The definitive replacement for this board has been found

So dudes and dudettes, some nerd made a replacement forum for IMDb with a layout and design that's 90% similar to it.  Pretty damn impressive so far. The admins say they're working on adding a function to the site in which you could use the Search Bar at the top of the page to look for specific boards, and when they get that figured out they'll start adding boards for specific films and shows.

Apparently they'll be changing the name soon to something resembling IMDb.

Screw it, I'm joining.


They'd better be careful about changing the name to "something resembling IMDb" unless they want trademark litigation from Amazon.

Hey, don't holler at me. I'm not the one who's going to sic the lawyers on them. But whatever happens to IMDb after this fiasco, it's still a trademark owned by Amazon, and trademark owners act to protect their trademarks.

