~~B0WiE 'LiVES'~~Performance Corner~~
'Oh no ....not another Bowie Thread' some will protest." He's been gone over four days now....get over it!!!"
Well after 4O plus years of being a 'fan'......may take a couple of days more, y'know?
In fact I have two words to say to anyone who would take the time to type and bleat.
The second word is OFF.
Thought it would be nice....at least for me....to have a little slot here on our esteemed boards...to throw on some of The Man who Fell to Earth's 'Live' performances.
He was bloody good y'know.
This is a slow burner entitled SL0W BURN.
G00D §KY Y0U'V€ G0T H€R€ MacINTYR€...W€LL D0N€ !!