MovieChat Forums > Documentary > My Documentary List

My Documentary List

I don't know how to make it fancy with pictures but here we go anyway:

Blackfish- about whales in captivity

The Prince of Pennsylvania- About olympic wrestlers and a rich dude, involves murder

The Cheshire Murders- True Crime

Making a Murderer- Free the dude already. Only on Netflix.

The Jinx- About another poor little rich boy who likes killing people.

There's Something wrong with Aunt Diane- Kinda boring at some parts, but the whole story is pretty twisted. About a major car crash that killed 8 people because someone didn't have painkillers on them.

The Grizzly Man- About a weirdo who likes being arms length away from wild grizzly bears and manages to get himself killed. No spoiler there just look at any description of the movie.

Imposter- it was okay didn't really have a whole lot explained at the end of it.

Capturing the Freidmans-This family is *beep* weird, has hours of footage where they film themselves being weird, and the dad is a pedo and so is his son.

How to die in Oregon- About how people want to legally commit suicide because they suffer a lot.

A lot of stuff from vice is pretty good. you can find their stuff on youtube.

Ghosts of Abu Graib- About soldiers torturing prisoners in Iraq

The Kill Team- About soldiers in Afghanistan who were killing civilians for no reason but to get a kill, one person speaks out.

The Act of Killing- Strange movie about Indonesian executioners that killed thousands of commies in cold blood.

West of Memphis- Three little boys found dead and somehow we have another story of some hillbilly cops pointing fingers at some alleged teenage Satanists.

Witness: Libya- About journalists capturing the fall of Libya, even footage of the poor ole bastard gaddafi getting executed unfortunately.

Into the abyss- about the death penalty

And I don't know dude I've watched a lot. What are your favorites?
