MovieChat Forums > The Sandbox > Looking for films about...

Looking for films about...

Currently searching for films about miscarriage and mental illness for research for a university assignment, can find lists upon lists of films with child loss but none that specifically handle any forms of mental illnesses resulting from miscarriage, or films that are SOLELY about miscarriage.

Any help would be really very much appreciated!


Looking for films about...
by kirstybradleyx
IMDb member since Tue Jan 31 2017
Tue Jan 31 2017 06:36:52
Currently searching for films about miscarriage
and mental illness for research for a university assignment,
can find lists upon lists of films with child loss
but none that specifically handle any forms of mental illnesses
resulting from miscarriage,
or films that are SOLELY about miscarriage.
Any help would be really very much appreciated!
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