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ANSWERED: How do you change a Film Title to a TV Series

The original title page was created about a year ago as we originally planned to film a sequel to our previous feature film. Eventually the script evolved and it was obvious it would work better as a TV (streaming) series.

Now I have been given the task to update the details on the social media pages and I can not work out how to change the type from film to tv series without creating a new title.

Has anyone had any experience in changing a page from Film to TV series?

If so, how did you do it?


Click "edit" at the bottom on the existing page, then chose "title correction", chose "add correction" from the scroll-down menu on the right, hit "continue", change the title (and give an explanation for the change) and hit "check these updates"/"submit". A yellow warning probably will come up during the process, which you should read carefully and then follow the instructions. It can also be that a red warning shows up, the same as with the yellow warning applies here too.

Now all you have to do is to change the title according to IMDB title formats

For TV-series, the title should look like this: "Title" (year) e.g. "Mad Men" (2007)
