MovieChat Forums > Contributors Help > ANSWERED: Self credits should be removed...

ANSWERED: Self credits should be removed for non-documentary titles

Whenever someone tries to add himself or herself credits to fictional movies or TV shows they should be rejected on the creation page so that it deters people from adding incorrect character names for fictional projects.


What about when someone appears as themselves in a fictional movies or TV show?



Using a (fictional)Lucy episode in which she encountered William Holden at Mocombos (or some such place), then Mr. Holden's role name in that episode is ...William Holden as... William Holden...and is not William Himself.

This was decided long ago on this board (probably in a deleted thread)by the site that basically ruled...there are no Him/Her/Themself in fictional-plot movies or television shows.




We're supposed to mainly follow what the on-screen credits indicate. If they use "self", then we should too.


To Steve and Jeorj -.
From the submission guides

"Where someone is billed in the credits as Himself/Herself in a fictional piece and are playing a scripted, fictional version of themselves, we use the performer's name as the character name to avoid moving the credit to the 'Self' category even if the credits say Himself/Herself."

Examples of this include Bruce Willis in Ocean's Twelve and Riley Steele in Middle Men and no doubt many other examples.

The point I was making is if there is a fictional title being added to the site or an existing fictional title being edited then the option to add Himself or Herself as a character name should be rejected and the contributor reminded of this rule.


jeorj Euler,

The site has some exceptions to seen on the screen...rule, and this is one of them. You've been around here as long as I have, and I am surprised you apparently aren't aware of this issue, which was decided upon several years ago, following one of the longest thread discussions on this board.

No 'self' roles in fictional films or tv shows.

But, some follow their own guidelines, and I earn lots of Top Contributor points correcting those incorrect playing-Self submissions.



In most cases when a person is credited as appearing as "himself" or "herself" in a fictional story, the person is actually playing a more-or-less fictionalized version of himself or herself which explains why the person is interacting with fictional characters. So in such situations, the person's character name on IMDb should be their name, not "Himself" or "Herself".

However, under limited circumstances, there can be "self" roles in fictional titles -- like a host who introduces a fictional story (rather than being part of the story themself), along the lines of Alfred Hitchcock in "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" or Walt Disney in "Disneyland".


The point I was making is if there is a fictional title being added to the site or an existing fictional title being edited then the option to add Himself or Herself as a character name should be rejected and the contributor reminded of this rule. It should just be one of those "I understand" "Go ahead anyway" warnings, I guess.


gromit82 typed:

In most cases when a person is credited as appearing as "himself" or "herself" in a fictional story, the person is actually playing a more-or-less fictionalized version of himself or herself which explains why the person is interacting with fictional characters. So in such situations, the person's character name on IMDb should be their name, not "Himself" or "Herself".

Or it's a situation that happens in pro wrestling, where a person's real name is not known (e.g., it's known that "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush's real name is Mike Spillane. The same can't be said for Fire Ant.)

"May the Force be with you."
