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ANSWERED: Trying to change a page for a movie I made.

I know I can't remove a listing, so I won't even bother trying that angle again, but I've been trying to get a film I made, Loop of Time (2014) accurate here on IMDb. The main issues are the genres are incorrect, and the alternative title is incorrect. Namely, it's not horror, and it's never been called Crazy Chicks. I've tried a dozen times the past three days, and I've not been successful in getting those two things changed. They're legit changes, but they won't go through the system. I just checked, having submitted the changes about two hours ago, and still nothing. Am I being too impatient? Or is this a problem that needs to be figured out?

Forgive me, Father, for I have eaten my cast mate.


You're being much too impatient. The first thing you need to learn about submitting contributions to the IMDb is patience

They get a huge number of submissions every day. Yours will go to the back of that queue and slowly work its way towards the top of the pile

Then an IMDb staff member needs to read it and give it at least a cursory check to make sure that its a reasonable request. The more supporting evidence you can provide, the better the chances of getting your request through this step

Then the change need to be made to their internal version of the system

Then, if it passes all of those tests & checks, on the next update, it will be added to the publicly available system

See the Processing Times page at to see how they're getting on with processing submissions in the various sections.

It usually takes a LOT longer than two hours. It can often take many days



Trying to change a page for a movie I made.
by Arthur_Lemming_of_the_BDA
Tue Jan 31 2017 17:57:25
I know I can't remove a listing,
so I won't even bother trying that angle again,
but I've been trying to get a film I made,
Loop of Time (2014) accurate here on IMDb.
- - -

Re: Trying to change a page for a movie I made.
by Steve Crook
Tue Jan 31 2017 18:31:13
You're being much too impatient.
They get a huge number of submissions every day...
Tue Jan 31 2017 10:15:00
Titles: 4,100,780
People: 7,709,516

Tue Jan 31 2017 19:12:00
Titles: 4,102,564
People: 7,711,504

  
