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RESOLVED: There is no character named Christine Daaé in the 1943 film

"The Phantom of the Opera (1943) - Universal Pictures Corporation (production and distribution)

There are many posters(various sizes depending upon source-country), none of which are name-tagged, but that is no problem because I can (and just did)happily name-tag each and every one of them: a couple showed Claude Rains only, that majority showed Rains, Nelson Eddy and Susanna Foster and a few show all four principals Rains, Eddy, Foster and Edgar Barrier.

Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-092042-540102
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-092159-123802
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-092407-562502
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-092602-542802
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-092659-359802
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-092803-060502
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-093112-641202
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-093212-684402
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-093315-925702
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-093446-773402
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-093707-483802
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-093843-174202
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-093927-157202
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-094203-415002
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-094744-567002
Phantom of the Opera - 1943 170114-094836-084502

But some of the not-name-tagged posters proclaim the poster features a character named Christine Daaé as do also a few stills(actually name-tagged) that have Miss Foster a character guessed it--- Christine Daaé

Well, according to the IMDb ( a very reliable source most of the time but not always) the character played by Susanna Foster is named Christine DuBois. This same source lists 22 credited players and 28 uncredited players in the cast of "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" and, after perusing the IMDb cast listing for "Phantom of the Opera (1943)" several times, I find no character named Christine Daaé in the IMDb listing for "Phantom of the Opera(1943)".

But what I have found, after name-tagging the not-name-tagged posters on the IMDb site page for "Phantom of the Opera (1943)", lovely Susanna Foster is now playing a character named Christine DuBois and another character named---shucks, you guessed it again--- Christine Daaé

What I also found out is that I can't edit/delete a character name. If I could have done so, I would have had no need to take pen-in-hand and type this essay(which isn't easy with a pen-in-hand.)

My question would can a character,not listed anywhere in the IMDb cast listing for "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" , be force-fed into the IMDb page for "Phantom of the Opera (1943)"?

The only film, on the IMDb, that has a character named Christine Daaé (as seen on the screen) is "Il fantasma dell'opera(1998)". I realize that the orphaned dancer(s) in any version of "Phantom of the Opera" can all be clumped together (probably correctly) on the site swiki-page (not monitored, screened or verified by IMDb staff), but a swiki page should not be applied to the actual role-name (as seen on the screen)to a film. Else lovely Susanna Foster ends up having two role-names in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)", where she only had one as seen on the screen)in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)"

A bit untidy it seems to me. Example: Photo 3 on the site page shows Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster and Edgar Barrier and I name-tagged them and it now reads...Christine Daaé, Raoul de Chagny, Christine Daaé, Anatole Garron...four name for three actors, a duplication not seen on the screen in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" and the actual role name played by Susanna Foster (as Christine DuBois) in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" is not even shown.

The site accuracy score takes a beating also.




Well, the character page for the character Christine DuBois is currently lister under the name Christine Daaé. If these two are indeed the same character, then the primary character name needs to be changes to DuBois (if it is indeed the real promary character name for that role). Then the character will also be tagged as Christine DuBois on all photos. This is not something that needs to be done for each photo tag, but depends on the name of the character page. Otherwise, if Dabée and DuBois are different characters, then the character page needs to be split.



I don't see how it matters at all what the primary name (on a swiki character page created by a contributor who used the 1997 French film as the starting point)is on that page with many AKAs, that also missed just "Christine" (as seen on the screen) in the 2004 version.

The role name in "Phantom of the Opera (1943)" is Christine DuBois...and That name is the only name that should be attached to any poster, card, ad, still or herald associated with "Phantom of the Opera(1943)".

I also have no problem with Christine Daaé being the primary name since it was also the role name of the character in the original "Phantom of the Opera(1925)" and, I suspect, that film (rather than the 1997 French film) was the character creator's starting point.

But the site's character pages is the playpen of the site; the film pages are the data (as seen on the screen)for each film...and the role names, on all images associated with each version should be dictated by that films'listing....and not by (often incorrect anyway)character pages.

The contributor-created character page does not need to be split...but it also should never be used to fabricate or create a different role name, on the posters, stills, any images, in any version of that film.

Bottom line: Susanna Foster never played a role-character named...Christine Daaé "Phantom of the Opera(1943)"...and still hasn't except by some WMBTC revisionist.




It appears the site is in agreement that...Christine Daaé not a character-name in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" and all such incorrect references to that non-character have been removed from all of the "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" images it was soiling and spoiling...and replaced by...Christine DuBois.

Thank you, IMDb staffer and/or staffers. Your database hard-data accuracy score just moved up a few points.

Uh, I hesitate to bring it up (one fabrication-report at a time) but...Claude Rains' role name in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" is...Erique Claudin (as seen on the screen and the IMDB..and his role name IS NOT The Phantom of the Opera (as not seen on the screen nor the IMDb), but is shown as a "character" on many of the posters that show Mr.Rains...and in addition to being incorrect is one of those dreaded spoilers for those who like to be surprised.(Drat, is that a spoiler?)

Perhaps a staffer will also clean up that mess.



Well for a short time today all the site photos from "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" that INCORRECTLY had Christine Daaé as a character in "Phantom of the Opera(1943) had been CORRECTED and CORRECTLY changed to Christine DuBois.

But poor Christine DuBois has been eliminated (R.I.P. Christine DuBois)and Susanna Foster once again has been saddled with a role name she DID NOT play in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)"

Tww possibilities:

Worse Case - the Doofus who incorrectly made Christine Daaé a role-name in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" did it again.

Best Case - In order to eliminate the INCORRECT and fabricated "Phantom of the Opera" as Claude Rains' role name in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" and change it to his correct role name(as Erique Claudin )in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)", the site had to go back to the BS character listing in order to get both Erique Claudin and Christine DuBois as the role names Claude Rains and Susanna Foster actually (as seen on the screen)played in "Phantom of the Opera (1943)"

I pray Best Case is what happened...and the role names Mr. Rains and Miss Foster actually played in "Phantom of the Opera (1943)" will soon be shown on all the site photos from the 1943 film...and the BS character/role-names for the 1943 film will be placed correctly in whatever film the cast (as seen on the screen)played such character names.

For the record: Gerald Butler played "The Phantom" and Emmy Rossum played (just plain) "Christine" (according to the IMDB) in "Phantom of the Opera (2004)"...and Lon Chaney played "The Phantom" and Mary Philbin as "Christine Daaé" (according to the IMDb in "Phantom of the Opera (1925)"
In Brian DePama's "Phantom of the Paradise",William Finley played "The Phantom" and Jessica Harper played "Phoenix"(as seen on the screen, according to the IMDb" and nary a blessed soul(as seen on the screen, according to the IMDb) played a character called 'Phantom of the Opera" and nary a blessed soul played
a character named "Christine Daae"

In "Opera(1987)" the dancer character is an actress named Betty and Betty's psycho-mother is a character who gets murdered and gets her sado-sexual thrills when her young lover kills young girls in front of her, and the Phantom character is "Spoiler Spoiler", and the only reason I mention this one is because it pops up in a character search for "Christine Daae".

And in "Il fantasma dell'opera(1998)", Julian Sand plays "The Phantom" and Asia Argento plays..."Christine Daae"

So, bottom line there is no film (more or less based on Gaston Leroux's classic story--and less more often than more)that has a role name (as seen on the screen according to the IMDb)called 'Phantom of the Opera" and only two films that has "Christine Daae" as the role name (as seen on the screen, according to the IMDb" so just why do the poster/photos/images, with Claude Rains, from "Phantom of the Opera" get tagged with "Phantom of the Opera" as a charater name?

But, just to stick with one film...Susanna Foster played "Christine DuBois" and Claude Rains played Erique Claudin...and every image on site from the 1943 film called "The Phantom of the Opera" should reflect only those CORRECT role names.

Or are the swiki character pages linked to these films and you go with those inane and incorrect role names as it relates to these films. If so, the tail is wagging the dog.

I don't think that is so.

I hope that soon any photo of Claude Rains and Susanna Foster from "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" show Erique Claudin and Christine DuBois as the only character names for those two actors on any photo on site from "Phantom of the Opera (1943)".


Edit: The problems are these examples under the photos

Titles: Phantom of the Opera
Names: Claude Rains
Characters: The Phantom of the Opera

Titles: Phantom of the Opera
Names: Claude Rains, Susanna Foster
Characters: The Phantom of the Opera, Christine Daaé
It should be:

Titles: Phantom of the Opera
Names: Claude Rains
Characters: Erique Claudin

Titles: Phantom of the Opera
Names: Claude Rains, Susanna Foster
Characters: Erique Claudin, Christine DuBois


I don't see how it matters at all what the primary name (on a swiki character page created by a contributor who used the 1997 French film as the starting point)is on that page with many AKAs, that also missed just "Christine" (as seen on the screen) in the 2004 version.

I don't know how else to explain this than I did before. The character name page is also the one that is linked to in the photos. Therefore, the name that is stated on the character page is also the one that appears in the photo the character is linked to. I understand that the same character is oftentimes called differently in different versions of the same film story. However, if the character page is listed as Christine Daaé then that name will appear in all linked photos for all linked films to the name page. Even though it isn't pretty, that seems to be how it works on imdb. if you feel like Daaé is the wrong name, then the character page needs to be amended. Maybe in this case "christine" as main name will be sufficient.

As long as the name is listed correctly in the cast list, I don't see a problem here. Even if it is an alternative name that is linked in the images, the name will still direct users to the correct character page.



WEll this is the first time,I've disagreed with you but it really is as simple as this:

Claude Rains DID NOT play a character named 'The Phantom of the Opera" in "The Phantom of the Opera (1943)"...Claude Rains played a character named Erique Claudin in that film.

Susanna Foster DID NOT play a character named Christine Daaé in "The Phantom of the Opera(`1943)..Susanna Foster played a character named Christine DuBois in that film.

Ans every single photo from that film that is on site should reflect EXACTLY that. Photos should link to the Movie itself, and not to some unmonitored character page.And if it doesn't this site is providing incorrect and misleading information (especially when the photos (linked to a swiki page)show a character role name that never appeared in any cast listing for any version of the 1925 film.)

Humphrey Bogart played a character named Roy Earle in "High Sierra"
Jack Palance played a character named Roy Earle in "I Died a Thousand Times", a 1955 remake/version of "High Sierra"

Joel McCrea played a character named Wes McQueen in "Colorado Territory", a 1949 remake/version of "High Sierra"

The site has a Roy Earle character page. The only photos on it are from "High Sierra". Both of the remakes qualify as being part of the "Roy Earle" character but, thank goodness, the creator of the Roy Earle page didn't know that. But, let's say that somebody realizes that and adds those films...and the site allows the swiki page to dictate the role names in the site photos from those films(and the role-characters of the two women in each film get a character page.) It starts with "High Sierra" where Bogart played Roy Earle, Ida Lupino played Marie and Joan Leslie played Velma...

The results would be:
"I Died a Thousand Times"
Jack Palance as Roy Earle (No damage to that films photos)
Shelley Winters as Marie in the photos (close but her character name was Marie Garson in that film.)
Lori Nelson as Velma (No damage to that film's photos)
"Colorado Territory"
Joel McCrea as Roy Earle (Sorry Wes McQueen but an IMDb swiki page says you were Roy Earle)
Virginia Mayo as Marie in the photos on site from that film(Sorry, Colorado Carson but an IMDb says your name was Marie)
Dorothy Malone Velma in the photos on site from that film(Sorry, Julie Ann Winslow but an IMDb swiki page says your name was Velma.)

But you have your opinion and I have mine and no need to keep replying to each other's posts.

But I believe that any character name associated to any person in a photo on site should reflect the name of the character they played in that film...and not not the character name from a 1925 film (unless they happen to be the exact same.

I think the site needs to take a stand on this one way or the other, and if Col Needham or Thomas Porter or any staffer comes along and tells me to shut up because they don't mind photos tagged with character names not in that film, then I will shut up.

I won't agree with it but I'll quit bitching about it.

I may create a signature line,though I've never had one. I'm leaning toward:


Susanna Foster did not play a character named Christine Daaé in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)".



And, NO', It has not been resolved....and, it appears never will be.


Susanna Foster did not play a character named Christine Daaé in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)".


Well, NOW, it has been resolved via...Fixed by Contributor.

The fabricated, incorrect, does-not-apply "character name" of Christine Daaé has been removed from all of the site photos of Susanna Foster on all of the photos of her on the site page for "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" and also her filmography page photos.

Of course, it may not last because just as easy as it was to remove for remains just as easy for the WMBTC contributor who made that the Primary name on all of the versions(it only fits one film and one 'archive footage" seen in a 1950s film) to go back and INCORRECTLY
junk up again the Susanna Foster photos on the site page for "Phantom of the Opera(1943)".

Susanna Foster did not play a character named Christine Daaé in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)"...and the IMDb no longer incorrectly indicates she did.

I did not create a one-and-done,stand-alone character page for Christine DuBois" to correctly show the name of the character (in the Character space below the photos) Susanna Foster DID play in "Phantom of the Opera(1943)" for fear it might undo the deletion/correction of Christine Daaé.

A tip-of-my-hat to Sasbi for providing the path.

