RESOLVED: The Monster of Mangatiti (2015)
(1) The character played by Flynn Allan is named Brent not Benn. The real person that the character is based upon is named Benn.
(2) The character played by Flynn Steward is named Chett not Jed. The real person that the character is based upon is named Jed.
(3) Heather Walsh is playing herself, her real self, not a character. She appears not only in voiceover as the narrator but on screen in between the reenactments or as an overlay.
The reference number is 170119-121035-260000. If verification is needed, then the data editors can access a copy of the movie on Netflix streaming services. This is the second time I've tried making these corrections, and is looking like once again that they won't go live. Now I understand why Les is perpetually frustrated with this site. Too many poor contributions are blindly accepted whilst too many accurate contributions are ignored. Please fix it.