RESOLVED: Duplicate images no longer removed?
There are seven duplicate images in the following gallery: . Each pair has identical tags.
One duplicate appears to be the exact same size:
And the other six sets look as though the production company possibly loaded larger ones of each because one set is the size of Post-it® notes. Example:
All seven of my updates were declined.
No problem, but I want to get this straight so that I don't waste my time trying to clean up other galleries. My questions are:
1) Were the six photo removal requests declined because the images are a different size, even though they're the same shot and have identical tags?
2) Was the removal request for the poster, which is identical in every way to the other in the gallery, declined because it's the primary image? And if so, why didn't a staffer just take the initiative and instead remove the other one?
What is the policy? I was given a link to the "Does not meet contribution guidelines" and a link to the "A-Z of all Guidelines." If a contributor knows the specifics it would save me the time hunting for it.