ANSWERED: Perhaps rethink the image policy
We, the contributors, are no longer allowed to post images directly onto name pages and images that are on title pages no longer migrate to name pages..
I have been told that only "official" images can be posted via IMDb=Pro either by the "name" himself, the "name's representative" or IMDb staff.
There are images galore of actors on title or character pages that could / should be on the name places to replace that "no image available" blank space. The "no image here.. please post one" is counter productive because "WE" are not allowed to post images.
I would bet the farm that many contributors would be more than happy to re-post to the imageless "lessor" actor pages if given the chance or the ability. The images are on-line ON IMDb, they are just not on the name pages.
I was told that it was to "protect" the name pages. Somehow I don't think that long dead silent stars or character actors from the 30's need much protection.
yeah. I know.. I commented on this before but at least I am a change from the "why are you nuking the boards ?" notes.