MovieChat Forums > Contributors Help > ANSWERED: Perhaps rethink the image poli...

ANSWERED: Perhaps rethink the image policy

We, the contributors, are no longer allowed to post images directly onto name pages and images that are on title pages no longer migrate to name pages..

I have been told that only "official" images can be posted via IMDb=Pro either by the "name" himself, the "name's representative" or IMDb staff.

There are images galore of actors on title or character pages that could / should be on the name places to replace that "no image available" blank space. The "no image here.. please post one" is counter productive because "WE" are not allowed to post images.

I would bet the farm that many contributors would be more than happy to re-post to the imageless "lessor" actor pages if given the chance or the ability. The images are on-line ON IMDb, they are just not on the name pages.

I was told that it was to "protect" the name pages. Somehow I don't think that long dead silent stars or character actors from the 30's need much protection.

yeah. I know.. I commented on this before but at least I am a change from the "why are you nuking the boards ?" notes.


and images that are on title pages no longer migrate to name pages.. Yes, the do. Maybe not always but often.

I was told that it was to "protect" the name pages. Somehow I don't think that long dead silent stars or character actors from the 30's need much protection. Seems like an exception that could be exploited, but otherwise it's a sound proposal. I'd imagine it would only be extended figures who have no estate managers.


They no longer seem to "migrate" from the pages I personally have contributed to and it's been months and months since the images were accepted on the title pages.

As for the name page, there is really no legitimate excuse for there to be no image at all when they are posted elsewhere.


We, the contributors, are no longer allowed to post images directly onto name pagesHave we ever been?



All I know is that "we" used to be able to post images on TITLE pages and they then appeared on NAME pages.

They don't do that now ... at least not on a regular or timely basis.

There are character actors who have literally 100s of images on title and character pages and maybe one on their name page (if they are lucky and it was posted before the apparent change in policy). Some have none.

I would like to remedy that but my hands seem to be tied because their pages are not "mine".


There is one image I'd like to add but I cannot send it through the help desk since you can't send a photo.


Hi Byrdz,

I think there is some confusion here. You have never been able to upload images to appear on name pages (unless you have a Pro account and have claimed the page), it is possible that you have tagged a pre-existing image with a name link that was uploaded from another source which will appear on the name page though.



Yes there is confusing here .. but then it is a confusing time.

I have only uploaded pictures to TITLE pages.

I have tagged those images to Names.

They (my images) used to migrate to NAME pages.

They no longer do that.

Something, somewhere has changed.

This leaves us with NAME pages with no images even though there are images on TITLE pages. It seems no way to get them where they would enhance the NAME pages.

At the same time we have multiple copies of dvd cases with identical images and miniscule differences in text on them... but that is neither here nor there.


Apart from this one time where a bug led to all images that were tagged appearing on name pages some time in mid 2016, there had not been a case of 'free' images appearing on name pages but yes there has been cases where when you tag an image and it does appear on the name pages of people you tag them too. I used to assume they were "paid" images which were not tagged properly.

Life is a joke, but atleast its a good one.
