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ANSWERED: Explore More Annoyance

Whenever I open an actor's IMDb page, the right-hand "Explore More" sidebar is in expanded mode which then reverts to 'hide mode' almost immediately. Is there a way in preferences to lock this in 'expanded mode' so I don't have to keep opening it. Sorry, but it's just a minor annoyance😱

If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?


Hi Enfant_Terrible,

I've just tested this myself on both mine and another computer and once expanded the view remained static unless I click on Show Less.



I understand that once expanded the the sidebar options remain exposed. But why does the page always first open in 'expanded mode' and THEN revert to 'hidden mode'. It would make more sense for the page to ALWAYS open in either "Explore Mode" (hidden menu) OR expanded mode (options in view) from the outset. It's akin to walking up to a room with an open door and just as you're about to enter, the door slams in your face and you have to open the door each time you attempt entry. It's just a minor quibble😖

If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?


I confirm the same.

Some time ago I experimented with the "Stylish" browser-extension
to apply a couple of simple CSS rules to keep the name-page sidebar
always open  (and also to keep the "More" menu open on title pages).
That worked for me at the time although I don't do it anymore.


Thanks for letting me know that I wasn't experiencing an "Is it just me?" moment

If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?
