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ANSWERED: BBC pays a tribute to American b-western actor

While "cleaning up" some of the photo-images errors on Henry Hall (I), I noticed B.B.C.-TV had, according to the IMDb, did just that in 1956 for (America-born and America-died) actor Henry Hall (I), who seldom appeared in any film that wasn't a Poverty Row escapee from Gower Gulch, with a 1956 presentation called A Tribute to Henry Hall.

Well, thinks I, that was darn swell of those good folks at B.B.C. but did find it a bit surprising that B.B.C. went way out of their normal paths to honor a rather obscure in his own country actor...especially for an actor who often played the (uncredited) about-to-be-killed father of the leading lady and seldom made it past reel 1.

Imagine my dismay(he was a fave of mine)when, after a few minutes of research, I concluded that the B.B.C. tribute to Henry Hall was for Henry Hall (IV).Born in England in 1889 and died in England in 1989 who spent a goodly portion of his hundred years thusly:

Dance band impresario who controlled 32 dance bands at a time, and also worked as Director of the B.B.C. Dance Orchestra
Trained at the Guildhall School of Music and Trinity College.
Started as a pianist in silent picture theatres. From 1922, worked as a pianist for the LMS Railway Hotel Chain, eventually becoming musical director for the hotels, with 32 bands under his control.
By March 1936, Hall's orchestra amounted to 27 musicians and vocalists. The American Benny Carter at one time contributed arrangements to the band.
Replaced Jack Payne as leader of the BBC Dance Orchestra, making daily broadcasts for the BBC between 1932 and 1937. Hall consequently became Britain's number one radio star. Recording for Columbia, his band had their first million-selling hit with "Teddy Bear's Picnic".
He was awarded the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the 1970 Queen's Birthday Honours List for his services to music.
Sorry, Henry Hall (I). I hate to take away your BBC tribute but just did so via:

Tribute to Henry Hall(BBC) - name correction 170210-085254-258000

But I will work hard to see if I can get the AFI to do a tribute for you. Maybe a slide-show.

Possibly some UK contributor can find a photo for Henry Hall (IV). I'll PM Steve C. Perhaps Henry Hall(IV) did something on one of "The Archers" films.

Dang, I'm sure going to miss the CH Board and private messages.


Will, you can mark this one...Answered.


Thanks as ever for fixing it Les, come on over to GetSatisfaction.

