MovieChat Forums > Contributors Help > ANSWERED: A User's Contribution History

ANSWERED: A User's Contribution History

Is there another way other than to view one's contribution history? I have not deleted any of my contributions from the list but have noticed that some of the plots I've added are not listed on that page.

Thank you.


Is there another way other than to view one's contribution history? I have not deleted any of my contributions from the list but have noticed that some of the plots I've added are not listed on that page. Do you check your email? Do you keep your email? Those are the only reliable contribution receipts that a user will have.


I have since I noticed that not all of the info is on the page but I didn't when I first started so I don't have those emails.


Once a submission goes live, parts of the record of what was submitted disappears from the form corresponding to the reference ID of the submission. Deleted items will simply be gone without a record visible to the user. Corrected items may or may not show up. Added items can probably be viewed to some degree.
