ANSWERED: Joining GetSat
Okay, A few staffers and a few fellow long-time contributors ( now know as customers)have asked me to please become a member of the GatSat community. Well, like Kevin Durant leaving Okie City Thunder for Gilded State's Warriors (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em) I've packed my bags.
As stated before, all I want to see on GetSat is the combined-site set up for the CH and Poll exposure to face book or any of the tiddiling-twattering social network twats.And Col, in response, to a CH Board question, said that could be done.
I tried. Typed in my first name...typed in my e-mail address, picked a password, chose Google (google chrome is my browser) since Sign in with IMDb isn't an option in this community but is how I access the IMDb rather than Facebook, Google or Amazon, hit submit...and up came my granddaughter's GetSat account. She used my computer a few days ago to Power Point some funding presentation. And, it appears, to join GetSat.
It also appears GetSat is already tied to my PC. Whatever. Anyway, it blew up/locked Google Chrome when I hit close on her GetSat page. Took a while to restore.
What did I do wrong? Many things, I suspect...beginning with letting my granddaughter use my PC.