MovieChat Forums > Other Moviemakers > Have the Blockbuster Script - Need $ Luc...

Have the Blockbuster Script - Need $ Lucas, Speilberg, very best

Wanted - Contact with the right sources: Lucas / Speilberg or.. to make a blockbuster film, also will consider Investor with contacts having a wide range of dvd distribution sources in place. With this consideration, I will make the film and contract the sources to complete the film.

The script was written with the idea of working with George Lucas or Steven Speilberg. I do not have their contact information. I will consider the par level of Lucas & Speilberg with the same interests. This is a very special and exciting project. I ask that only qualified serious persons or corporations contact me at . Email me at [email protected] Ask for Mike
Best regards.


*** BUMP **

Mike Hawkins


Is this some kind of joke?

You will consider someone on their 'par'? Oh you will, eh?
That's mighty white of you. Its really generous for you to offer the opportunity to such men to assemble millions of dollars to give to you--a complete unknown--on the strength of your word that you have a hot project ready to launch.

But my question is, what exactly do you need them for--more importantly, why exactly should they be interested--if, as you imply--you are going to direct your own film?

Oh well. Look, to put it bluntly; if you don't "have their contact info" at this point, you never will. Movie-making at the level you're talking about is conducted by people who already have Lucas and Spielberg's contact info. And also by people who have some faint Lucas isn't even making films anymore.

"God rot all 'good men'...."


Strel, I know Mike. He didn't word his request well but I think (without speaking to him about it) I know what he means. Some producer or executive who is generally on the level of the big timers. Of course no one is really on 'par' with Lucas or Spielberg (unless it's James Cameron). He's hoping to get his story made, and it is an exciting one (SyFy)--that much I know. This is also the wrong board for his request, but he took a shot. He should follow my advice under the topic about submitting an idea, but he's like that: thinking out of the box.

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.
