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Best way to find reputable AGENT for Series development.

Hello friends....what is the best way to find solid agents to represent a series development to pitch to networks?

We have shot a trailer/in-depth website/internet presence.....and solid concept. I don't want to randomly send "unsolicited" practices?

Thank you for your insight.


my advice would be to take it slow.

for example, there are many major film festivals that have teleplay contests. these contests usually involve writing an episode of a show that's currently in production. these scripts get bought more often than you'd think. you could use that to find representation and then perhaps find work writing for some one else's show.

it's very rare for someone to get a pitch meeting without any kind of formal experience. (there have been series pitched by someone with no professional experience, HBO's "carnivale" for example. however, the show creater wasn't allowed to be a show-runner until the second season since he had no background in television. can you imagine having no control over your own project?)

you could even use what you have to find an agent who might set up a deal with you to write a one-off episode for a current show.

long story short, find an agent to represent writers and then slowly work your way up to producing your own series. there's nothing like a proven track record to get studios interested.




You really want to make a successful film this time, don't want to spend million dollars in a trash scene, stop waistin g your time, hands on the work!

Best prediction?: The www man or The W (A man journey in the Internet)

Won best award at Studios Amazon for best screenplay in 2011

The Father Abraham
