MovieChat Forums > Composers > Thoughts on David Shire's Music?

Thoughts on David Shire's Music?

I used to consider David Shire a minor film composer - and perhaps that's what he is since he doesn't have any iconic theme that people immediately recognise like they do with Williams or Elfman - but lately I've been listening to several of his scores, and I'm amazed at the diversity, inventiveness and beauty of his music.

Here's a quick list of some tracks I love:

2010: The Year We Make Contact:

The Conversation:

The Taking of Pelham 123:

Short Circuit:

Last Stand At Saber River (TV movie):

Return To Oz:

Raid On Entebbe (TV movie):

Now even though he hasn't composed a worldwide famous score like 'Star Wars' or 'Braveheart', I think the man is extremely talented and a gift to every film music lover. I don't know, what do you think?

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


other than "Pelham 123" and "Short Circuit" I don't know that much about him. hope to expand my knowledge of him soon

Heck is where you go to if you don't believe in Gosh


One of the greatest living film composers, and sadly underused. There's a lot of variety to his work - he can compose something classically romantic like The Hindenburg (, something darkly drivingly funky like The Taking of Pelham 123 or catchy like Straight Time ( or as minimalist as The Conversation. It's an impressive body of surprisingly varied work that's largely overlooked because so many of the films are rarely revived. It's a shame that for his last high profile gig, Zodiac, he was asked to go so minimalist.

"Security - release the badgers."


Have you listened to this song, "There's a lot to be said for the Fuehrer?"

It has me in stiches every time, so Mel Brooks-y.

The theme from 'Straight Theme' is amazing! Thanks for bringing attention to it.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


Was never the biggest fan of him (Zodiac was probably the first Shire score I listened to, and man did it bore me), but I recently watched Conversation for the first time and thought the music was amazing, so perhaps I should re-think my position and listen to some more of his stuff.


I had the great fortune to be the Music Supervisor on "Raid on Entebbe". Great experience. We were under tremendous time restraints to deliver this on time. There was another competing film. There was no comparison...great cast (Peter Finch, Charles Bronson etc.) Edgar Scherrick was the producer and it was the first time I had really heard David Shire's work. He blew us all away. Don't know what ever happened to the other version but ours was nominated for an Emmy. Don't know why he isn't more well known to the general public..


That's a great story. I loved the main theme of 'Raid on Entebbe', the way it starts happy and care-free and gradually turns darker.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.
