MovieChat Forums > Actors and Actresses > If Actors sign onto to do Nudity they sh...

If Actors sign onto to do Nudity they shouldnt complain about it

its true so dumb


Dude nudity?


If Actors sign onto to dude Nudity they shouldnt complain about it
posted 2 years ago by Joogle83 (2373)
1 reply | jump to latest
its true so dumb


Agreed as long as they know up front which scenes will require nudity and producers don’t try to force them to do more without consent.

I’m also against using body doubles — or worse, CGI nudity (fuck you, Jessica Alba) — because actresses refuse to do nudity. Just cast an actress who will. Regardless of what some whiners are trying to say, there are several actresses very willing to do it and have no problem with it, and it isn’t “offensive to women.”


I wonder if Mia Khalifa is seeing this.
