MovieChat Forums > Actors and Actresses > Movie acting vs TV acting

Movie acting vs TV acting

What really is the difference between acting in movies and acting on TV? It seems like, once an actor establishes themselves in one medium, they're considered unfit for the other.

What actors can you think of who have had highly-successful careers in movies and on TV?

Clint Eastwood comes to mind, Fred Gwynn maybe.

- HOW kin I be so brainless, when I is so smart?


I mean...the obvious one is anybody from Saturday Night Live. Chevy Chase was the first one for that to happen. One season of SNL got him a lifetime's worth of lead roles in movies. I think you're right that there is no real difference. The acting is one of the only things that ISN'T different about the environment of movies and TV shows. But somehow everyone has built up in their minds that it is. What a mystery...

The day Chuck Norris dies is the day the world ends.


I would say movie acting as some tv shows have bad b grade a acting. This can be the same for movies but i feel that it happens more with tv shows.


Will Smith, George Clooney, Denzel Washington, Jessica Alba, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Adam Sandler, Bruce Willis, Melissa McCarthy, and Jennifer Aniston just to name a few. They all started off in TV and had successful (some more than others of course) careers before moving on to successful movie careers.


More than the acting is a certain kind of charisma which makes them have a good transition to the big screen.

Other two who made the transition perfectly fine were Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore.


film acting is sometimes much more professional.


Imo, you'll catch way more terrible actors on TV than in film.

Highly-successful careers in both:
Will Smith
George Clooney

I'm not going to list Jennifer Aniston because I feel her film career has been very inconsistent since Friends ended, and she was really looked at as one that COULD HAVE (but hasn't) had a blockbuster film career just because she married Brad Pitt. And I think getting publicly cheated on has hurt her image...and she has YET to blossom into a film career that would make people look at her as more than the woman Brad Pitt left for Angelina Jolie.

Just because someone does something good for you, that doesn't mean they're good for you.
