MovieChat Forums > International Cinema > Help with movie title. Australian movie ...

Help with movie title. Australian movie crater sci-fi

Been looking for a movie that I watched about six years ago on cable.

The setting is Australia, Mad Max type film (not Mad Max though), where there was a community living in a crater in the desert. The main character ended up enslaved by this group, only to eventually escape. The ending of the movie shows a guy driving off into the sunset... I think it was with a girl and dog. The movie was probably made between 1985 and 2000.

I've looked everywhere and can't locate this movie.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


it might be 'welcome to woop woop'

reply If you have livejournal, this comm could be of interest to you. It's a comm where Australians can talk about the stuff that's interesting them right now, but also foreigners can come and ask us things they want to know. Including films.


I'm surprised you didn't know that one. It's "Resistance".

All the best,



It's "Resistance" 1992. Most definitely not "Welcome To Woop Woop".
