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Updating KEYWORDS to help OTHERS locate Rare films

I'm posting this to help make IMDb user searches more productive, especially since Ive noticed a lot of people in the International and European boards asking for help ID'ing foreign films, which are for the most part more unknown than American movies.

As a suggestion, once a film is located and then viewed by the requesting party, it's always a good idea to update the films "keywords". There's a very good chance that there are only a handful of keywords associated with the film in question, and that's the main reason why the searching party has had such difficulty finding it in the first place.

Such was the case with me, trying to locate Les enfants du Marais, a French film that had about 6 keywords associated with it. After purchasing the DVD and watching it, I added more keywords so others would be aided in future searches.

I just would like to make everyone aware of this. I've been on IMDb for a long time, and I never realized that one could not only update keywords, but it's also a good thing to do whenever possible.


ROTA Top Foreign Language Films:
