MovieChat Forums > Indian Cinema > Jennifer Lawrence is the cause of the sh...

Jennifer Lawrence is the cause of the shutdown

apparently there was so much negativity about her on the actress IMDB page and the talent agency is threatening to sue IMDB for slander and spreading rumors on msg boards


Oh Kobe..I almost forgot about you! How much I am gonna miss you and your love for Telugu cinema. And guess what you are the only person in my entire life I discussed so much about Telugu movies and cute sexy Telugu heroes and of course their punch dialogues.

Gonna miss you, buddy.

apparently there was so much negativity about her on the actress IMDB page and the talent agency is threatening to sue IMDB for slander and spreading rumors on msg boards

Where did you hear this from?


Fake news. YOU are the cause of the shutdown. Since you've been bitching and whining all day and night about descrimination against Telgoos they decided to take your side. Admit it.


Mmm might this be true?

Sample this from col nidham's reply on this thread.

Just keeping the old boards software running and the time we spend dealing with the fallout from abuse on the boards is preventing us from creating better features that benefit all users and from adding permanent content to IMDb.
