MovieChat Forums > Indian Cinema > This is SAD! I will miss you all.

This is SAD! I will miss you all.

I have not been frequent the last few years but for those who know me, I want to say, I enjoyed our discussions and I will miss reading your posts and updates on Indian cinema. Many of you have changed names so I can't even remember who is who but I will miss you Manwuthnoname, Ratzo, Pimpi, Vikade, Sadfilmophile, Caligirl, the guy with Johnny Dep pp and so many of you. THANK YOU!


It's a sad time, but why must we just give up and let the community die? Let's reorganize! I loved this place, so I spent the weekend making so that people can stick together. And at the end of the month I'll be giving away free movie tickets. It'd be an honor if you joined and gave us feedback on how we can improve.


Yes Dtocila, I am open to joining any replacement forum.


That's great! We'd be super excited to have you join us at


namard naamryk miss you too as well. It was lovely to see the face of moderate Islam through you. Wish there were more like you. Its been a while like you for me as well posting here regularly.


Thank you Streetwarrior, it was awesome knowing you and other fellow ICBers.


Please consider joining us at

It's a new page I built after seeing that IMDb was closing its boards. I'm hoping that the community will use it as a place to stick together and chat about movies! I'll be giving away movie tickets at the end of the month. :)



You will find ICB old timers like pimpin, manwithnoname and some others on this board. Check out Indian cinema board from above forum.

We will be happy to have you at that forum, Namaaryk.
Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.
