MovieChat Forums > Indian Cinema > The Last Weekend

The Last Weekend

is upon us. what do you say we have a booze party or something?

I get melancholy if I don't write. I need the company of people who don't exist.


Yeah sure!! Gonna miss your alcoholic rants.




On a serious note planning to post an audio message.


One guy told me that in the books the real problem was suppressed homosexuality. All an all a pretty good movie.

Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.


that was THE LOST WEEKEND man. lol.

I get melancholy if I don't write. I need the company of people who don't exist.


that was THE LOST WEEKEND man. lol.

Seems this whole board closing down thing has made me crazy.

Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.


apparently they were planning to name it THE LAST WEEKEND. so you werent too far off.

I get melancholy if I don't write. I need the company of people who don't exist.



Kapil Routray: The Bengali Hindus will pay for their sins.:)


If you do decide to start a drinking thread, do it on imdb2.

Let this place die and give that other forum some life.
