Title Please

The I Need To Know board suggested I repost my question in here... so here it is...

In the summer of 2001 I was on an Air France flight and watched a subtitled movie, I think it was french but I don't know. The story is one of all encompassing and tormenting love.

It has been a long time since I saw it but I want to watch it again and can't seem to find it. Here is what I remember...

The wife keeps testing his love for her by pushing him away and taking him back when he demonstrates the depth of his love for her. She cheats on him, he takes her back, she cheats on him with a woman, he convinces her to come back, she divorces him, takes the kids and at the end of the movie is at the alter getting married again to someone else when he comes into the church with a gun and threatens to kill himself as a display of his love for her... she says something like "that is the crazy love I want" and leaves her fiance at the alter to leave with him.

I've tried to find this movie for some time and can't... anyone know what this is?



I'd really like to see this movie again but have no idea how to find it



