MovieChat Forums > Science Fiction > Fake languages

Fake languages

How many sci-fi movies/shows/franchises have spawned new languages that fans actually learn to speak?

Only one I can think of right now is Klingon.

- Lord, have mercy on a country boy


You may find this documentary interesting , DrunkBear ! Which discusses the created languages of many movies , such as the Star Trek Languages , the Na'vi of Avatar , Kryptonian of Superman , the Elvish of Lord of the Rings , and more !


Not strictly sci-fi, but The Lord of the Rings books were primarily written because he'd invented the Elvish and other languages and wanted to see characters using it.

Edgar Rice Burroughs created one for A Princess of Mars.

There's all sorts of examples now - Dothraki and Valyrian from Game of Thrones, Star Wars has some I think. It's the new cool thing to do.

Hell, I created one myself. Very simple though; I never got as far as messing with grammar, so it's pretty much just a list of vocabulary. It's an interesting intellectual exercise though, it can give you insights into how your own language works.

If I could stop a rapist from raping a child I would. That's the difference between me and god.


"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations" Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
