MovieChat Forums > Horror > Your thoughts on The Beast Within (1982)

Your thoughts on The Beast Within (1982)

The Beast Within (1982)


Growing up, The Beast Within was and still is one of my favorite 80’s video nasties.

To those unfamiliar with The Beast Within, the movie is about a guy who meets a girl then marries that girl and on the way to their honeymoon, their car breaks down on deserted stretch of highway at night, the boy goes to look for help while the girl stays behind and eventually runs into the woods to look for her dog that got away and is then horrifically violated by a strange creature, years later the offspring of that union returns to a small town near where the assault took place to search for his origins.

It's a fun drive-in flick that would have gone perfectly as a double feature with Humanoids From the Deep and one of the first movies ever that made me lose my lunch and sleep with the lights on!

Stars Ronny Cox of Robocop & Beverly Hills Cop fame and Bibi Besch who played Capt. Kirks old flame in The Wrath of Khan. I'm unabashedly biased towards this film so I rate it 7/10.


It's a fun movie. I love the make-up effects. 7/10

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


Never seen it, oddly enough.

Here's a fúcking awesome song entitled "The Beast Within" -

You got the wrong guy, mang. I don't come off no banana boat.


awww cmon man, you of all people?! welp, only one thing to do...take away your horror card..


I know. Me of all people. The '80s! It isn't even an obscure movie.

You got the wrong guy, mang. I don't come off no banana boat.


Killer indeed. They have a song called "Killer" too LOL -

The entire album is great beginning to end. Not a dud on it.

They'd change names and release the most (in my opinion) underrated metal album of the '80s -

You got the wrong guy, mang. I don't come off no banana boat.


I remember it fondly - although I haven't seen it in awhile. Not only is it a fun flick but it was the first film that I saw Joe Bob Briggs review in his column. I remember he used the term "katydiddled" to describe the rape scene because he felt like the monster looked like a giant cicada.

This place is the Horror Board. We are supposed to have anarchy here.


yeah, the storyline was kind of weird but as a youngster I didn't really care, I just wanted to see monsters and see heads fly, now as an adult the storyline is on very shaky grounds but what the hell, it's still a cool flick...
