MovieChat Forums > Shop Talk Writers > How accurate does police procedure and w...

How accurate does police procedure and weaponry have to be?

I am writing a crime thriller genre type script, and I was wondering how accurate it has to be for audiences to accept.

For example, most cops in real life have really short hair, but it's not very stylish. What if I described a cop main character who had longer more flowing hair, to give him some uniqueness as a character, or will audiences not see it as convincing for the role?

Also I am a big fan of westerns and one of the things I like is how the characters where their holsters lower down on the thighs, so they can draw their pistols much quicker. But in real life the police where their holsters on their regular pants belts, and that makes it slower to draw, cause they have to pull up more, with more extension.

I feel that faster draws can be more exciting, but will audiences mind if I have police characters, where their pistols on their lower thighs, like a western?

There is also a shoot out scene between the police and the villains. I was thinking that some of the police could use shotguns, but in real life, the police use shotguns with tubular magazines that run out fast, and are slow to reload, thereby having to pause in the action and suspense to have to reload.

If I wrote it so that the police had shotguns with detachable box magazines instead that carried more rounds and can be reloaded much faster, would audiences see it as unconvincing, since that's not the way it is, and other movies have so often portrayed the police using tubular magazine shotguns?

When it comes to firing pistols, police always fire with both hands like the way Jack Bauer does on 24. But if I wrote it so that a cop fired a gun with one hand, or even had a gun in each hand, would that come off as too cheesy?

There is a fine line between something looking cheesy and something looking cool.

What do you think?

Those are just two examples, but what about things like that, for accuracy? How much does it matter, over style?


Didn't we just answer this ad nauseum a month ago?

Didn't I suggest to write what you know, stay off the internet for your feedback and stop listening to your friends?

The advice still stands.

By the way, you are entirely 100% WRONG about every single one of your "facts." Well, except for maybe the hair part. But you are incorrect in every other single thing you said about cops and guns.

No, I am not going to take the time to laboriously detail all the ways you are wrong because: a) you are not paying me, and b) you don't need to know, nor do you need to teach every kid with youtube access all the facts about how police are trained to shoot.

What do you care anyway? It's not a documentary. If you tell a good story, the audience for your youtube video is not going to care that your facts are all wrong.

So write in all your police officers with long flowing hair and have them carry their pistols in western fast draw rigs hanging down at their ankles for all I care. Use some stupid box-magazine garbage shotgun because you saw a picture of one on the internet.

This whole script should have been put out to pasture three years ago when you first started talking about it. Start over. Write what you know. Tell a good story. Stop turning to others for feedback and just get it done.



Don't mistake my silence for weakness. Nobody plans murders out loud.


How accurate does police procedure and weaponry have to be?
It doesn't. Just write the story and focus group that stuff once it's written.


Ryno... are you by any chance neuro-atypical?



Perhaps I am... I have written most of the story as of now, and it's just the action/suspense scenes that need deciding on, in terms of how police are portrayed in tone.


What I mean is are you on the autism spectrum.



It doesn't have to be accurate at all.
I don't think you should have cops wear their belts lower to aid in quick draws, not because the unreality of it, but because I think it would look stupid.


Well that is just it, though, where do you draw the line between stupid and cool looking? Eastwood was able to make the low belt draw look cool, for example.
