Two questions

Curious about when to use CONT'D. Do you still need it if there's two or three small paragraphs of action between the lines of dialogue?

Also, any suggestions on what to do with book titles? Underline? Quotation marks? What about in dialogue vs. in action? I've looked it up on google but got conflicting information.


I'd put a book title in quotation marks, in dialogue and outside it, in any script, since it's in Courier font, which does not support italics (even though the user can make Courier italic).

Speed browses the books and removes "Moby Dick" from the shelf.

Why, Mr. Orange, surely you have read
"Moby Dick," have you not?

(I have not. It's the one assigned novel I didn't read in college. My bad.)

Don't mistake my silence for weakness. Nobody plans murders out loud.


Regarding the CONT"Ds, I just keep what Final Draft does, which I think adds it whenever the the same character's dialogue is interrupted by any action within a scene. But you can remove it if you think it looks weird. Which it does sometimes. But no biggie, no one really cares.


CONT'D for a character speaking is usually not done anymore, despite being a FD default. Read a stack of recent screenplays - you probably won't see any.

I use quotes for book titles and movie titles.

- Bill
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I did some more google searching after I made this thread and basically learned exactly what you said, that it's becoming obsolete.

Thanks for the replies everyone.
