MovieChat Forums > Shop Talk Writers > Writer finds age 96!

Writer finds age 96!

It just goes to show...


Oh, good. There's still hope for me.

Don't mistake my silence for weakness. Nobody plans murders out loud.


Nice! (The success, not the death, of course.)

It's never too late.

Personally, my go-to pump-myself-up viewing is Alberta Hunter: My Castle's Rockin' (1988). She was the singer with King Oliver's band when they hired a 15-year-old Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith's first hit was one of her songs, she starred opposite Paul Robeson in the London production of Show Boat, the first use of Dufay colour in British film was for her segment in a musical, etc. Then the jazz era died down and she lied about her age, doing back to school to become a nurse. They let her stay on past mandatory retirement until age 70, but she'd lied about her age and was actually 82. Then she made a comeback as a singer.

All roads lead to truth if you're willing to travel honestly.
