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why do tv shows never seem to work when made into films?

is it because the writers dont know how to write a feature? or because the characters arent suited to a feature?


Probably because the story isn't suited to a feature. You either have to come in, armed with special knowledge, thereby making the film version a lengthier, pricier episode, or the script has to sacrifice characters and other elements that are instrumental in the enjoyment of the show, thus failing to translate what was great about it to the big screen, which is half the point of doing it, to lure people into the show in some way.

It's like asking why the book is always better. We already know the answer, right? More time. Sure, you get the rare occasion where Shawshank is apparently better, but a true connection with characters has to be earned, and it's just easier to earn it in a longer format.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


yes but i always thought that the reasons book dont work is because they are longer than film length and they have to be cut down

TV shows are shorter than films but maybe its because of the structure of a tv show that its full of minor subplots and incident rather than a longer ongoing plot


A series, unless it's a miniseries, which is really a "novel for television", doesn't have a "plot." It has characters and possibly an arc, but not a plot. Or the problem could be that the perceived nostalgia doesn't translate (Beverly Hillbillies), or the TV show was too specific to it's era (Miami Vice).
Two television shows that I think did work as movies were "The Fugitive" and "The Equalizer." In each case, they took the setup and key elements and characters and incorporated them into a plot.


What's the difference between a plot vs. an arc in the context of a serialized drama?



How about a few examples? I can name many TV shows that worked when made into films. What films are you talking about?

You say that TV shows are shorter than films. Each episode is but the TV show is always much longer.


I have two examples, one that worked and one that didn't:
Worked: South Park
Didn't: Entourage

Can you explain both?

Just because someone does something good for you, that doesn't mean they're good for you.


Re: why do tv shows never seem to work when made into films?

I think it's because we work from a known in this scenario. Sequels also work from a known but with shows there is world of the known the characters work within. In movies there is usually just a glimpse of the characters world: at least in comparison.

Michael L. Burris
"Life is way too short not to look at the lighter side of it."


I enjoyed the Addams Family film and its sequel (Addams Family Values). Those Brady Bunch movies, on the other hand... *shudder*
