MovieChat Forums > Shop Talk Writers > Farewell STW and thank you!

Farewell STW and thank you!

It's been an interesting ride with all its ups and downs. Thanks for all the good times, super info and advice on writing and the industry, the humour, the great friends I've made through this place and further connections and friendships from there. I'll skip on the down bits, we don't need to regurgitate that again and it's pretty pointless now anyway. I'd rather savour the good anyway, though will say that while I'm not surprised the boards are going I am a little sad to see them disappear.

Perhaps I'll bump into some of you elsewhere sometime. If you're ever in Twitter give me a little nudge to let me know that you're from here, unless I know you there already.

All the best and keep writing. There's no better drug in the world.

RIP MUM 31/05/2015.


Hey. You want to read the latest? Was thinking bout you. I'll email next week sometime if you want.
