Absolutely, except that the Forest Service investigation was concluded seven years ago and, according to the investigating officer, charges were filed, a fine was paid, the case is closed, and it should all be public record. Local Forest Service employees tell me to just find the files, but FS employees who deal with FOIA requests have denied me time after time, saying no such files exist. Off the record, though, the person who denied one of my requests told another FS employee who I'm friendly with that he denied me to protect the name of the perpetrator, even though that is legally public record. So there are two aspects to my frustration: public files are being hidden by officials, and people involved in the story itself and keeping very quiet. Even the editor of the local newspaper won't touch this story, despite having been obsessed with it at the time.
I see all of these crime docs where the victims' families and perpetrators of heinous crimes agree to be interviewed and it makes me feel incompetent somehow, or stigmatized or something.