MovieChat Forums > Trekkers Only! > Is it me or is Troi really really loose ...

Is it me or is Troi really really loose in the movies?

Troi seems to carry herself with the formality and poise of a school headmaster during the show. i was just watching first contact and she really lets loose. Of course, she's drunk but the "would you three want to be left alone?" is a line of humor that the TV version of the character would have never used. Then her remarking about her boobs swelling up in Insurrecton was just so un-Troi like.

I never envisioned Troi as someone you could joke around with like one of the guys.


Funny coincidence I should come across this post of yours. My boyfriend and I talk about Star Trek often and just recently, he said how much he loved the very scene you speak of because it made Troi seem more likable and normal, as opposed to her usual personality. I, of course, pointed out that she was drunk and also trying to cozy up to Cochrane, hence the need to both drink and be "loose." Troi was my least favourite character from TNG anyway, so I have little opinion on this one way or another. Keep in mind she played a counselor so she had to act professional, though I do recall some scenes on the show and in the movies where she was a little less stiff.


i cant remember, are they completely alcohol-less in the 24th C. that would seem kind of a shame
Twitter @okonh0wp


Picard as an action hero is pretty odd too, except for Starship Mine, he was more a diplomat.


You don't remember synthehol? They had real alcohol that was consumed in moderation on special occasions, such as Romulan Ale, and Klingons regularly drank blood wine. Scotty got drunk off green coloured alcohol in Relic (TNG), which Data found in Guinan's stash of real alcohol.


what are some moments where Troi exhibits a sense of humor or light-heartedness?
Twitter @okonh0wp


I always took it as they wanted to goose up the movies as it wasn't a family tv show.

End of line


You'd think after playing the character for 7 years, she'd know how to play the character. By the time of First Contact she seems to have not only forgotten her poise, but also her accent.

Then her remarking about her boobs swelling up in Insurrecton was just so un-Troi like
Worf was feeling younger and more aggressive, perhaps Troi was a fashionista egocentric when she was young?

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"
