MovieChat Forums > Trekkers Only! > TWO concurrent, unrelated TV remakes of ...

TWO concurrent, unrelated TV remakes of TOS??!!

Okay, I'm hopelessly out of the loop, but someone, PLEASE! ...take pity and tell me how it's possible / feasible for there to be two different Star Trek TV shows with actors playing the roles of Kirk & co., on top of the current film franchise featuring ANOTHER cast of different actors playing the same characters?

I've never seen Star Trek: New Voyages Phase II or Star Trek Continues and I wouldn't know where to tune in to catch either series; but just what in blazes is going on here? Why are there TWO different Star Trek shows that overlap in their respective productions or are being run simultaneously?

And on another note: would it make sense to get either of the two actors who play Chekov in the current TV versions, to replace the late Anton Yelchin as Chekov in the current film franchise?

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both Phase2 and Continues are unofficial. Many fans want a chance to 'play' Kirk, so that's why they go to so much trouble to make a fan film. They both seem on par with TOS, so if that's what you're after you might enjoy them (ie Shatner's Kirk). If you're into 'Nu-Trek', they'll seem corny and low-budget.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


There are no official ST TV shows on right now, those are both unofficial fan made shows. Not bad shows, but not official.

dies ist meine unterschrift


And on another note: would it make sense to get either of the two actors who play Chekov in the current TV versions, to replace the late Anton Yelchin as Chekov in the current film franchise?

So far they are not planning on replacing Anton. In my opinion, this could lead
to four possibilities. First would be to do what they did in the Animated Series and replace him with Lt Arex: Second would be Gary Mitchel. The other two,
Savvik or Valaris would be a long shot with the destruction of Vulcan.


I think it would be awesome to have a live-action Lt. Arex in a series or movie.
