MovieChat Forums > Cult TV > Best current show?

Best current show?

Go on then.

For moi it's definately Battlestar Galactica.

It's fun to ruffle feathers


Supernatural and the current season of Dr Who.

I warn you. I'm armed to the teeth with a deadly arsenal of crap one-liners


Supernatural and the current season of Dr Who.

Yes!! Supernatural is absolutely excellent. The new Dr.Who is pretty good too, but still a bit inconsistant. The next season should be much better since Russell "hand of sh!t" T.Davies won't be writing it any more. Watched the season finale last night and enjoyed it immensely.

Opinions are like ar$eholes... Everyones got one and some of them stink.


Burn Notice

The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss


To answer your question I'll have to submit a top five, since I can't pick just one:

'Dexter' - the best... they actually make you root for a serial killer
'30 Rock' - continues to be the funniest show on t.v.
'Ugly Betty' - brilliantly cheesy soap opera. Fun to watch.
'Damages' - incredible first season! Can they do it again??
'Mad Men' - very well done... can't wait to see where the story goes from here.

Honorable Mention:
Heroes (sophomore blues)
Boston Legal (guilty pleasure)
Pushing Daisies (very well done)
Weeds (funny, but drags)
In Treatment (me likey... interesting)

I don't watch 'The Office' because the U.K. version was much better and I couldn't get over the comparisons in season 1 (I might make more of an effort today).

'Two and a Half Men' is sophomoric, only funny as H.S. locker-room humor.

Enjoying 'Californication' and, of course, 'Entourage'.
Missing like mad.. "Deadwood", "Rome", "The Wire" and "Sopranos" (HBO found it necessary to break my heart and then cut it out and stump it into the dust and then set the dust on fire.)
Hoping good things for "Swingtown", "Fear Itself", "Breaking Bad"
NBC Execs FUBAR'd on "Life" & "Journey Man" -- should've let them find an audience.
Can't wait for the return of "Big Love" and the final season of "The Shield".


There were some good ones on, but most have been cancelled.

I like The Big Bang Theory
