New to TV

So I'm a huge fan of film and want to get into tv but I can't. I watched the "The Twilight Zone" and "South Park" loved them both but then I tried "The Shield" and lost interest after season 1 now I'm trying "Mad Men" I finished season 1 a few days ago but haven't felt like going back to watch season 2. Anybody got any suggestions for tv that would have me coming back for more?


Movies suck hairy butt hole these days.

My Top TV Series Of All Time:


Thanks for the list:)

I'm not saying that their bad, on the contrary. I just have a hard time staying interested in a 5+ season long story


I didn't care for "The Shield" personally, and I couldn't get into "Mad Men,"either, though everyne I knew thought I'd like it.

Here are the shows that I've binged on. Not just watched, but had that need to keep watching for six hours straight (or more, but I won't admit to it):

"Game of Thrones" Don't worry if you don't like fantasy, it doesn't matter. Like any good story, it's all about the people. It's also one of the more beautiful TV shows around. My cousin, who doesn't like fantasy, finally watched it last year and loved it. One of her favorites now.

"Six Feet Under" The story of a strange, sometimes unlikable, family who runs a funeral home. It's been years since I've watched it, but when I did I'd watch all day long. I had some issues with the ending, though, but that's probably just me.

"Breaking Bad" A story about a drug dealer? I wasn't really interested in it, and I absolutely have some problems with this show, but man, I could NOT stop watching it. Excellent cast, good directing and pacing, and some really nice cinematic shots mixed in.

"Battlestar Galactica" Yes, sci-fi, but again, it doesn't matter. Often it's more of a political drama than anything else. Another that I resisted, now it's one of my favorite shows ever. It was on during the Iraq War, and the show deals with some of the issues that brought up. Plus, they knew how to tell a good story. If you're thinking it's like "Star Trek," it isn't. Not at all.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention "Buff the Vampire Slayer." I watched it when it was airing and still love it.

There are others I keep meaning to get around to that I've heard great things about, but haven't yet watched:

"House of Cards"
"The Americans"

Oh, and I binged "Dexter," but I can't say it's great TV. Really entertaining, though.

Hope you find something you like. :-)


Here is a list of my favorite television shows and a list of shows I am currently watching. I can understand your frustration with THE SHIELD. It is a tough show to get through all seasons, but the ultimate payoff was worth it for me. MAD MEN, on the other hand, is a series that you need to watch the first two seasons to get to truly involved with the main character, Donald Draper, and appreciate all the nuances of story-line. I believe season one was so unique and fresh that the writers and actors were still figuring out where the show was going and who they were going to focus on. Jon Hamm is so incredible as Don Draper, but he was relatively new to acting and definitely not their first, second or third choice for their lead character. I think it made them hold back the first season. As a fellow film enthusiast I think you will ultimately find MAD MEN one of the greatest television experiences of the 21st century. Here are my other two lists that you may find, at least a few, great ideas for your future television viewing.



"Whither is fled the visionary gleam? Where is it now, the glory and the dream?"
