OT: Going forward with the polls
(Starting a new thread so that everyone interested definitely sees this)
So on the other thread about the polls (http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000010/nest/261495121), it's been agreed that someone else should takeover hosting because OldAle has been completely absent for 3 months. So far, myself and gromit82 (thanks, by the way!) have volunteered to share the task. Ideally I was hoping someone else could be involved as well, making it only 3-4 polls to run each per year. Anyone else up for joining the team? C'monnn It won't be too arduous if it's shared this way. Hopefully it will only be temporary anyway.
At the moment this is the only solution but if there's any objection - speak now!
One issue is working out the years to do next. I know that OldAle said there was only a few left before starting the cycle again, and the next ones were meant to be 1932 and 2005, but I've no idea beyond that. This may be a long shot, but does anyone have a record of the previous polls? I've tried PMing 'Ale to ask for this material. Hopefully the subject line will tempt him to look, and maybe he'll even come back to run them himself...If I hear nothing, then do we just pick years randomly?
Also: should we continue with more or less the exact same approach 'Ale had to running the polls, or does anyone have a change to suggest?
I’ll be waiting, with a gun and a pack of sandwiches.